The AWS Machine Learning Framework: A comprehensive guide to bringing models to production

Data scientists develop a functioning model using a machine learning framework and some data. The developed model has a low error rate and a set of hyperparameters optimized. But when…

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Discover AWS Serverless way to Deploy Food Recipe Application in 7 Easy Steps

This post shows AWS serverless architecture to deploy a machine learning application. I will deploy the food recipe application as discussed here using AWS Fargate. Fargate is a service provided…

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7 ShortListed Free and Decisive MLOps Tools for Food Recipe Application

This article discusses Machine Learning Model Operationalization Management (MLOps) tools to develop and deploy a food recipe application. It lists the tools that are framework-, platform-, and infrastructure-agnostic using Python…

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Steps to Install Miniconda and Serverless on Windows Debian Terminal and VS Code

Installation To get started, you need to: Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux along with your preferred Linux distribution.Note: WSL 1 does have some known limitations for certain types of development. Also, extensions installed in…

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